Saturday, September 17, 2011

To much time had past!!

My love school is attacking me!!!
I had to drop my bio ambitious self has to also be realistic haha!! So five classes it is =)
I plan on getting an A in at least 3 of those classes and a B in the other two. Cross your fingers for me please. How are you doing with school and work? I still have no job to report on but I will be applying for a few scholarships and I pray to God He gives them to me. It would be great to get the scholarship because I could save some of the money for this summer and go to Costa Rica for an 8 week summer program that I really want to do. My Spanish reading and writing is getting better but God knows that it still needs a lot of work. Hopefully with this program I will be able to really say I am bilingual =)! Plus, Costa Rica for a couple of months would do me good.
I guess my life is coming a long pretty well now that I have been home a few weeks. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you or wish that I could be sitting next to you having fika. I felt so bad that you really need to talk the other day and I was nowhere to be found. People here don't understand the concept of fika, they always want to go out to eat from one of the 100's of fast food places here. Which has actually started to gross me out. And they don't know how to just sit and talk, they always finish there coffee like in a minute and want to leave to do something else. It makes me sad! Today I read that article Nickolas posted and I just loved it and tears came to my eyes and I wished so hard I could be there again. I am so happy that Angie is here with me but now that school is actually getting crazy busy, we never see each other. To be honest, although she is a great help, she too doesn't really understand why I miss it so much. Maybe I will go back and apply for a job in IKEA haha!! I would do anything to go back and live my life the way it was when I was up there.
My sorority life is also picking up. It has its good and bad, its weird and cool! I will deff keep you updated with it ;)!!
I love you so much and I miss you so much!!
Sometime I am with my international student and I wish I was in her shoes back in Sweden. But I am sure that sooner than anyone thinks, I will be back up there hugging and kissing all of you guys again!!
And of course dancing our heads off!!

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