Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Babe my Internet isn't working!! So freaking annoying! I have a bunch of things to tell you.. I hope it starts working soon!!

How's uni going for you? Prepared for your trip to Phoenix? :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

To much time had past!!

My love school is attacking me!!!
I had to drop my bio ambitious self has to also be realistic haha!! So five classes it is =)
I plan on getting an A in at least 3 of those classes and a B in the other two. Cross your fingers for me please. How are you doing with school and work? I still have no job to report on but I will be applying for a few scholarships and I pray to God He gives them to me. It would be great to get the scholarship because I could save some of the money for this summer and go to Costa Rica for an 8 week summer program that I really want to do. My Spanish reading and writing is getting better but God knows that it still needs a lot of work. Hopefully with this program I will be able to really say I am bilingual =)! Plus, Costa Rica for a couple of months would do me good.
I guess my life is coming a long pretty well now that I have been home a few weeks. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you or wish that I could be sitting next to you having fika. I felt so bad that you really need to talk the other day and I was nowhere to be found. People here don't understand the concept of fika, they always want to go out to eat from one of the 100's of fast food places here. Which has actually started to gross me out. And they don't know how to just sit and talk, they always finish there coffee like in a minute and want to leave to do something else. It makes me sad! Today I read that article Nickolas posted and I just loved it and tears came to my eyes and I wished so hard I could be there again. I am so happy that Angie is here with me but now that school is actually getting crazy busy, we never see each other. To be honest, although she is a great help, she too doesn't really understand why I miss it so much. Maybe I will go back and apply for a job in IKEA haha!! I would do anything to go back and live my life the way it was when I was up there.
My sorority life is also picking up. It has its good and bad, its weird and cool! I will deff keep you updated with it ;)!!
I love you so much and I miss you so much!!
Sometime I am with my international student and I wish I was in her shoes back in Sweden. But I am sure that sooner than anyone thinks, I will be back up there hugging and kissing all of you guys again!!
And of course dancing our heads off!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Uh oh

Babe, I'm freaking out!! Our lease is almost up and we still don't have a place to stay after next Sunday :( Could def need a pepp talk right about now!! :/

Monday, August 29, 2011

Under Pressure

Six classes?? My god you're such an ambitious student!! I only have four and I'm drowning in assignments, hw and readings at the moment!! I know what you mean about liking the pressure of having to accomplish something - I like that pressure to - as long as the pressure doesn't exceed ginormous measures... I miss you, my friends all over the world and my family a lot and school and work def keeps things rolling a little better. I've found some amazing people down here that I love to hang out with - but I miss my old friends too.. I would do anything for a fika with you right now!!! 

Tell me more about your exchange student!! :) 

Love you! xoxo

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School American Style "finger to eyebrow"

Love, I am so glad to hear that you got the job!! =)
These days, I wish I had your determination to find a job..but i simply don't feel like job searching. I am very grateful that my parents are okay with me not really working this semester. But before I get into all my school stuff I want to know what you did for your Birthday. I know it was a while ago but we haven't really spoken to each other in a while. I bought those triple Oreo's i'm going to send you. Hopefully they will be in the mail by tomorrow. I am not sure if you will like them because they are a bit sweet but they are so different form the one's in the past that you must try them at lest once. Plus, if you don't like them I am sure the kangaroo's will enjoy them lol =).
I started school last week. I love it!! I love feeling the pressure of having to get something done and having things to do everyday other than party. But it is a bitter sweetness since it is the anniversary of my first full day in Europe. I celebrated by not remembering, running late to my bio class, and having the worst lab. The good thing about facebook is that everyone is mentioning last year lol.
My bio class is going to be so much fun, I think?! You know I love these different classes and learning things that I hadn't studied before. This specific bio class is about human biology and the teacher has a P.HD in neuroscience and biochem, something around those lines. Anyways, that is only one of my 6 classes. Thank God I love school. 
I have also been spending a lot of time with my international student. She is great! I took her shopping this weekend. Amazing sales, I must say. She also got to meet most of my family and she and her friend (also exchange student from Spain) stayed the night at my house. I think they liked my parents and the house. As far as my brother goes, I think they like him too. It was great having them here but sometimes I wish you could be here meeting my parents and staying the night. The same for the rest of my friends that are in Europe. I want them to be here so bad. Another plus side of having such a busy school schedule means that I don't have time to be wishing I was back in Europe, there is only extra space in my head for missing you guys and nothing more.
I want to hear more about Assie life and your amazing details!!
love you and miss you

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Love, I got the job!!! I came in for my training yesterday and they wanted me to stay :)) I took a picture of the dress that I work in at Stingray the first night I was there. It's a bit blurry cause I'm in the dressing room at work but I'll take better later :) and you can google QT Gold Coast + Stingray and you can see what the place looks like. I think the address is something like but I'm not sure (on my phone right now). Anyway. I have only told a few people yet and I wanted you to be one of the first ones I told :))

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pre-birthday jitters

Hey love :) I can imagine it being weird going out at home again after a year in Europe. I remember when I got back to Europe from the US and I hated it. I even called one of my besties up (who I wasn't out with that night) and told him about everything that was wrong with Sweden... Haha. I guess it takes some time getting used to what you've grown up with once you get back from an experience like ours..

Has your Spanish girl gotten over the food-sickness yet?? Is she enjoying her stay so far??

Tomorrow is my birthday and it feels pretty strange to be honest with you.. I mean I have spent several bdays abroad, but it's always a little weird when you're still new to a place and you're not SUPER close to people yet.. You don't want to force people to celebrate your day, at the same time you kind of want everyone to just be there for you and celebrate your special day.. You know what I mean? I'm def one of those kids who milks their bday to the fullest. If someone doesn't want to do something I'm like: But it's my biiiirthday :O hahaha. ok. I've only really milked it with my family and Liam. But still. My bday is very special to me. My mom is staying up late tonight so she can say Happy Birthday to me when I wake up tmrw.. I'm so happy I'll get to see her face :)

Are you excited about starting school tmrw?? What classes are you taking this semester?

I'm not entirely sure what's going on with that job actually. The boss called me Friday night and said he wants me to come in on Thursday night.. But I didn't get if he wanted me to come in for more training (as in I got it) or for another trial... So we'll see on Thur night I guess :P

Love you, babe! Ttys :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crazy El Paso!! are very right, Skype Fika is way over due. Some time next weekend would be perfect for me?! I finally went out last night for the first time since i have been home lol. It was crazy!!! The girls danced so nasty, and the boys , lets just say no my type. lol lol!! the craziest part was when some girls started fighting in the middle of the dance floor..i mean like punching each other and pulling each other hair. It was so strange for me. But I have to admit it was fun, i bumped into an old high school friend and an old co-worker. It was nice to see familiar faces.
I have been spending so much time with Angie, she has been a great since I arrived!! She comes to my house every other day and we go to Las Cruces together =)!! Plus she understands me more than anyone over here these days. My international student arrived on Wed. Her name is Maria. She is like my little-live-piece of Europe for the next nine months. I hope she likes it here but I think it will be hard for them to adjust. She is under 21 and can't drink and the 18 and over clubs aren't so good here. plus we get IDed everywhere we go. But I am sure we can find a way for them to have a blast here =)!
I start school on Wed, I am so excited. I think i will join a fraternity and find a place where I can do some community service.
I want to know if you got the job wearing high heels =)!!
I am sure you are doing well and having an amazing time!!
Love you

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it ;)

Hey love!
I realize I've been super bad at writing here in the past couple of weeks. It's just been hard trying to get everything together when you're in a new place.. I hope you're doing well! A need a long Skype fika with you soon. It's way overdue!!

How's everything coming along with school? Has your mentoree arrived yet? I can't believe we're in the middle of August!! It's been almost a year since we first met. Can you believe that?? I know both of us have done a ton of things since then, but it still doesn't feel that long ago (except it also does :p ).

I'm on trial for a job at a lounge bar on Wed and I think they're gonna ask me to walk in heels. Haha. You know I never do. It'll def be an interesting experience. I hope I don't fall flat on my face :p

Anyway. About to head out for dinner. Talk to you soon, I hope :)
Love you!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How exciting!!

Love it is so great to hear that you are loving it down there. It reminds me of when i first arrived to Sweden. i know exactly what you are feeling =)!! It's such an exciting first few days!!
I am actually looking forward for our internationals to arrive..I am hoping cool people come over. I spoke to the lady at my international office and she said about fifty-five internationals were coming in this year. It doesn't seem like many but for being NM and the dessert lol it is quit a few.
I just finished talking to Alvaro and Julia and one of the girls from Poland, talking to them really makes me feel so much better. These past few days have been some of the saddest days for me. This change isn't easy or fun but there are little things that make me happy, like talking to my friends from Europe or writing in this blog.
I keep remembering how it was hard to leave your friends and I keep trying to remember that I was once having a hard time leaving home too but i don't seem to remember. Do you think it is possible to completely forget ones old life?! Sometimes I think I was so happy up there that I just let myself forget and I keep trying to remember but nothing comes. Everyone's life here seems to be good. My parents are happy, my family is happy and I seem to just be lost. I don't even know if I want to finish school right away or if I should live at home. I should also talk to my dad about tuition and my aunt is try to set me up with someone. These are the things that I am bothered with here at home. What is my life coming too haha!
I hope we can talk on skype soon or even on fb.
I love you...and please keep telling me about your amazing adventures in the land down under.