Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pre-birthday jitters

Hey love :) I can imagine it being weird going out at home again after a year in Europe. I remember when I got back to Europe from the US and I hated it. I even called one of my besties up (who I wasn't out with that night) and told him about everything that was wrong with Sweden... Haha. I guess it takes some time getting used to what you've grown up with once you get back from an experience like ours..

Has your Spanish girl gotten over the food-sickness yet?? Is she enjoying her stay so far??

Tomorrow is my birthday and it feels pretty strange to be honest with you.. I mean I have spent several bdays abroad, but it's always a little weird when you're still new to a place and you're not SUPER close to people yet.. You don't want to force people to celebrate your day, at the same time you kind of want everyone to just be there for you and celebrate your special day.. You know what I mean? I'm def one of those kids who milks their bday to the fullest. If someone doesn't want to do something I'm like: But it's my biiiirthday :O hahaha. ok. I've only really milked it with my family and Liam. But still. My bday is very special to me. My mom is staying up late tonight so she can say Happy Birthday to me when I wake up tmrw.. I'm so happy I'll get to see her face :)

Are you excited about starting school tmrw?? What classes are you taking this semester?

I'm not entirely sure what's going on with that job actually. The boss called me Friday night and said he wants me to come in on Thursday night.. But I didn't get if he wanted me to come in for more training (as in I got it) or for another trial... So we'll see on Thur night I guess :P

Love you, babe! Ttys :)

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